This past Monday, the Pope signed an agreement of "human fraternity for world peace" with perhaps the most import imam in the Sunni Muslim world, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb. For those who don't know the difference between the Sunni and Shiite sects of Islam, the short version is that the Sunnis are the ones who like to blow stuff up -- including themselves. That's who the Pope signed this agreement with. But that's not the real issue here. The real issue is the continued heresy and, quite frankly, blasphemy into which this Pope is leading his "flock." As a starting point, the document repeatedly refers to "God" as though Roman Catholics and Muslims are talking about the same Being. Anyone with even a cursory understanding of theology knows this is not the case. The one true God is triune in nature. That is, God is eternally existing as three persons in one unity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The "god" or "allah" of Islam is purely monotheistic in nature. In fact, the Quran specifically denies the Trinity. And every bit as importantly, Christians rightly understand that Jesus of Nazareth was not only the Christ (the Messiah), but that Jesus was also the eternal Son incarnate in the flesh. Despite mentioning Jesus by name over 90 times in the Quran alone, the Quran expressly denies that Jesus was the Son of God, thereby denying the divinity of Jesus Christ; and the Quran also denies the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, thereby denying the most important underpinnings of the Christian faith. These are not little things, but rather matters of eternal salvation and, indeed, of the very identity of the one true God. In other words, when Roman Catholics and Muslims speak of their conception of God, they are not speaking of the same God, nor are they even thinking of the same God. But yet to this Pope, there was no problem in signing a document that repeatedly referred to "God" (but not one single time to "Jesus"), even though it's clear to any sane, honest, and even remotely knowledgeable person that the God of the Bible and the "god" or "allah" of the Quran are unquestionably not the same Being. And it doesn't end there. As if the foregoing wasn't bad enough, the document essentially quotes a verse verbatim from the Quran -- a verse which has no parallel or equivalent in the Bible. I'm sure most pundits in the West missed this, because most probably never took the time to read the Quran for themselves, let alone to have any serious theological discussions with practicing Muslims. But having read most of the Quran for myself, as well as taking any opportunity that the one true and triune God provides to discuss the true faith with Muslims, this statement jumped off the page at me: The Document says: "whoever kills a person is like one who kills the whole of humanity, and that whoever saves a person is like one who saves the whole of humanity." Although there is no equivalent in the Bible, this wording is almost verbatim identical to Surah 5:32 of the Quran: "whoever slays a soul -- unless it be for another soul or working corruption upon the earth -- it is as though he slew mankind altogether, and whosever saves the life of one, it is as though he saved the life of mankind altogether." (Translation taken from The Study Koran, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Editor-in-Chief) Don't believe me. You can read the original materials for yourself:
But if that's not bad enough, it actually gets worse. Rather than protecting his "flock" as he ought, and speaking truth as he must, the Pope instead lets the Muslim world get away with taqiya (dishonesty) by taking this verse woefully out of context. Notice in the quote above, I greyed out some words. You may have even missed them on your first reading, but let me re-emphasize them here, and put them back in color, if you will: "whoever slays a soul -- unless it be for another soul or working corruption upon the earth -- it is as though he slew mankind altogether, and whosever saves the life of one, it is as though he saved the life of mankind altogether." See the "exceptions" now? The first one is essentially the death penalty for capital murder. Most people, including most Christians and Roman Catholics, would agree with that statement. But what does the phrase "or working corruption upon the earth" mean? Well, according to The Study Quran, those words mean this: Muslims are allowed to kill "those who are working corruption, understood to mean idolatry, warring against the Muslims, or terrorizing roads." Why is that a problem? Well, first of all, as I explained in more detail above, Christians (and even Roman Catholics) do not worship the same God as Muslims. The God of Christianity and Roman Catholicism (not the same faith, by the way) is triune -- one God eternally existing as three persons in unity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The "god" or "allah" of Islam is purely monotheistic, and is neither Father, nor Son, nor Trinity in any other conception of that term. Therefore, to Muslims, Christians (and Roman Catholics) are living in blasphemy when we ascribe deity to Christ and worship Him. In fact, the Quran expressly denies this point, perhaps most directly in Surah 5:116. So to Muslims, the very worship of Jesus of Nazareth as God is blasphemy -- in other words, the very basis of the Christian faith is blasphemy in Islam, thereby freely justifying a Muslim killing another human if that human is a committed Christian who professes Jesus as Lord. (Compare Romans 10:9-10, clearly stating that "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.") To put it more succinctly, Muslims are allowed to kill Christians simply for being Christians, and doing so would not go against the very verse that the Pope and a Sunni imam mutually referenced in a document that's supposedly about "world peace and living together." Let me take this one step further, and I realize that many of you don't realize that Muslims see the world this way, but to the truly committed Muslim there will be peace on Earth only when the entire world has "submitted" to Allah and Sharia law. (Side note: The English meaning of "Islam" is "submit" or "submission.") At that point -- and only then -- will the "struggle" be over. (I put "struggle" in quotes there because "struggle" is the English meaning of the word . . . jihad.) Jihad ends when the whole world has been converted to Islam. The "struggle" ends when the whole world has "submitted" to "allah" as "god." That's when we'll have peace. And if that line of logic reminds you of a certain "peace treaty" prophesied by Daniel, then you're probably on the right track here: "Then [the prince who is to come, i.e., the antiChrist] shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.” In this prophecy from Daniel 9:27, "one week" is commonly understood to mean a "week of years" (or more literally, a "seven of years"), and even more specifically as seven Biblical years of 360 days each. (See, e.g., The Coming Prince, by Sir Arthur Anderson.) Seven Biblical years of 360 days is 2520 days, or 84 months. Half of that number is 1260 days or 42 months -- which is the exact time period mentioned in Revelation chapter 11 prophesying how long the Holy City of Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot in the end times. I'm not saying that this is necessarily that, but I am trying to lay out some dots in their proper place on the timeline of history and Biblical prophecy. You may also do well to review 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 regarding the Great Apostasy and the coming of the lawless one, particularly in connection to the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9 quoted above.
In other words, while I wouldn't quite call this Document a "peace treaty" just yet, the Pope sure does seem to be leading his "flock" in that direction. But yet in doing so, he is either dishonestly lying to the world about what he knows to be true of Islam, or else is so spiritually blinded that he cannot see the obvious. Or in his case, as is the case of many tools of Satan, both may be true at once. But no matter how you cut it, one thing is certain here: What this Pope is doing is downright heretical, and for all practical purposes is blasphemous as well. And I don't say either of these things lightly. As Jesus said in His Revelation to St. John, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues." (Revelation 18:4) I am thankful that the Pope does not speak for true Christians, and hasn't done so since really forever (although they tried to do so for a while). But for those among my friends and readers who have been deluded into remaining in the Roman Catholic Church, most likely because that's what you've always been told you must do, it is time for you to come out of the Whore of Babylon. Pick up your Bible. Read it for yourself. You don't need a priest to tell you what it means, especially when they have been so wrong and so corrupt time and time again. All you really truly need is the Holy Spirit and the plain text of Scripture. What are you waiting for? If this post spoke to you, please like and follow Uncompromising Gospel on Facebook.
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